
Elvis Impersonator Cleared of All Ricin Charges

lawhawk4/23/2013 6:44:32 pm PDT

Chicago area teen arrested after posting on a FBI honey-trap site for jihadis.

It had the trappings of an actual extremist website: Photos of gun-toting fighters and a flowery exhortation to, “Come and join your lion brothers … fighting under the true banner of Islam.”

Except, it wasn’t what it seemed.

It was a sham site constructed and controlled by the FBI with the aim of snaring terrorist wannabes in the virtual world before they could carry out real-world harm.

Abdella Ahmad Tounisi, 18, was arrested last week on a terrorism charge stemming from the sting operation. He made a brief court appearance Tuesday in federal court in Chicago.

The American-born man from Aurora is accused of seeking to join al-Qaida-affiliated Jabhat al-Nusrah, which is fighting the Syrian Bashar Assad regime in a bloody civil war.