
A Music Video You Won't See on TV: Bob Schneider, Wish the Wind Would Blow Me

Ziggy_TARDIS9/05/2013 7:42:40 pm PDT

re: #10 William Barnett-Lewis

I have heard Scrooge McDuck has his own thing too.

Of course, I am still a Disney fan. When I was litte, I lived an hour or so away from Disney World.

Then I got Kingdom Hearts. 2 Great Tastes go great together (Disney and Final Fantasy). Also, I got a huge kick out of Donald and Goofy talking about and to Sephiroth.

However, we have even more stupid news!

Paul Cook On SF: In Which I Lack The Ability To Even

A snippet in the opinion piece against Cook:

I honestly don’t know which is more painful: Cook’s efforts to try and say that really, it’s OK Bujold writes romance even though he doesn’t like it, or the totally oblivious sexism with which he undercuts this assertion. In remarking that Bujold “tips her hand” by including “romance elements” - which, he says, involve an “attention to detail that only women would find attractive” - he characterises romance as being a wholly feminine genre, such that, when he goes on to say that “some of us aren’t that interested in romance”, it seems pretty clear that by “some of us”, Cook means men. Whether intentionally or not, he therefore manages to dismiss Bujold, one of the most respected and multi-award-winning SF writers out there, as not being a real SF author because she actually just writes romance and romance is for women only. Which makes his subsequent remark that all her “attention to detail that only women find attractive” is “right out of Alexander [sic] Dumas” all the weirder: I mean, what’s he trying to say with this? That Dumas only wrote for women, or that he was also a closet romance writer? It just doesn’t make any sense, and yet the insult to both women and romance is so palpable it left me staring at the screen in disbelief, jaw clenched.