
Heritage Foundation's Jim DeMint Promises More Obamacare Insanity

Mattand10/18/2013 1:18:30 pm PDT

re: #7 lawhawk

Memo to DeMint. You’d approve if it were renamed RomneyCare or HeritageCare, since Obamacare took your group’s signature health care initiative, the individual mandate, and made it the central idea of making personal responsibility key to getting people into the health care exchanges - marketplaces that are drivers for insurance companies to goose their profits since the subsidies essentially go to the insurers at the end of the day.

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While it’s the insureds who see lower premiums as a result of the subsidy, it’s the insurers who get the full amount - the amount paid by the insured plus the subsidy.

They’ve got an incentive to make sure that this works.

Bill Maher Coins New Term to Describe GOP’ers Who Switch Positions to Oppose Obama…

Maher said, “We need a word for when you change your mind because Obama had agreed with you. He then presented his new addition to the dictionary: “blacktrack.”