
Video: A Glorious Rant by Rachel Maddow on Media Coverage of Benghazi and Iraq

Reality Based Steve6/18/2014 5:07:43 pm PDT

re: #11 nines09

Wings and blue point crabs. Two poor boy meals that went through the roof. Dozen jumbo Blues and two quarts of beer? I’m showing my age.

Along with spare ribs. Another ‘cheap’ cut that can now be very high. I tend to stock up when the price is low, do a ‘St. Louis Trim’ on them, and then vac.bag and freeze for later.

Funny thing is that I’ve got an older cookbook (probably early 40’s) that refer to veal as being a very inexpensive meat, and a great way to stretch your budget. I’d really have to stretch my budget to get veal, but I wouldn’t because I don’t approve of how it’s raised.