
In an "Open Carry" State Like Ohio, Why Was John Crawford Shot by Police in Wal-Mart?

Targetpractice10/01/2014 10:39:45 am PDT

re: #15 jonhendry

Maybe it was a payment issue. “He’s from Liberia. We’re not going to get paid for this. Send him home.”

Seems I was wrong, he wasn’t kicked out, the staff were just utter idiots:

Sister: US Ebola patient said he was from Liberia

Mai Wureh told The Associated Press that her brother, Thomas Eric Duncan, went to a Dallas emergency room on Friday and was sent him away with antibiotics. He returned two days later to Texas Health Presbyterian Hospital and was admitted.

Dr. Mark Lester confirmed Wednesday that a nurse asked Duncan on his first visit whether he had been in an area affected by the Ebola outbreak that has killed thousands in West Africa but that the “information was not fully communicated throughout the whole team.”