
American Family Association Loon Sandy Rios: 'Real Experts' Know Evolution Has Been 'Disproven'

Blind Frog Belly White2/13/2015 10:50:05 am PST

re: #14 lawhawk

And that all creatures would somehow flow (trying to think of a word other than hyper-evolve) from the few that were saved on the Ark a few thousand years ago.

Because we’re talking YECs, and in order to get the kind of numbers of species we have now, we’d have to see hyper-evolution on scale that would leave scientists breathless because it’s simply not possible.

So, what we get are a bunch of people claiming evolution on a long scale can’t possibly exist and that it’s been debunked, all while holding to the simultaneous belief that all creatures that came from an Ark turned into the flora and fauna we see today.

Yeah, there’s more than a little cognitive dissonance there.

All the 41 different cat species in the world today evolved from two cats within 4500 years - I can buy that. But the idea that cats and dogs evolved from a common ancestor over 40 Million years? That’s crazy talk!