
John Oliver's Must-See Interview With Edward Snowden

darthstar4/06/2015 11:45:40 am PDT

Don’t have time to watch the full video right now, but caught a few minutes of the Snowden interview. The guy can’t look straight forward and talk at the same time - what a crappy liar.

Okay, gotta run soon. Did get a response from one company about a possible phone interview today - though I suspect the person who emailed me doesn’t realize I don’t live in India (and his grammar sucks, but hey, if he’s just arranging a call for someone here, then I’m okay with it).

Of course, I also need to go down to the EDD and have some kind of Return to Work eligibility review - where some poor bastard gets to have me explain how I’m not looking for hourly labor, though I wouldn’t mind getting even 80% of my last salary.