
Young the Giant: Darkest Shade of Blue (In the Open)

mmmirele9/08/2019 8:55:37 pm PDT

Well I managed to set off a firestorm in a FB group called “Mildly Offensive Fiber Artists Who Aren’t Bigots.” It’s a fiber artist group, but the group got into a huge discussion when both Michaels and Joann (two big box craft stores) said they would follow the laws of the states they were in and not ban open carry.

Well, I not only pointed out that businesses COULD ban open carry if they wanted to, but that if I saw anyone open carrying, and it was in public, I was calling 911 because I wasn’t going to make the decision whether a person was a good guy with a gun or a bad guy with a gun, I was going to let the police deal with it. In this, I got criticized by a couple of condescending gun nuts and I let them have it.

Listen to me…I am not the only one tired of you Second Amendment fanatics destroying the country so that you can walk around with your unlicensed, unregulated weapons of mass destruction. We are TIRED of this. And I WILL call the cops. I hope it’s on you, because you really need to understand how your clinging to your cold steel is putting the rest of us in danger.

And, for the record, I used to be a lawyer, so I know there’s a legal definition of “weapons of mass destruction.” I’m using the phrase in a more colloquial sense. I, and many others, are tired of the frequent massacres, the frequent “thoughts and prayers” and the absolute unwillingness to discuss how proliferation of guns is killing people.

I used to be a lawyer. We *never* had this discussion in law school, because it was thought in the 1980s that the government could regulate guns. But now, we’ve got the Heller case and it’s open season on people who just want to live our lives without the proliferation of guns everywhere. I just thank God often that Antonin Scalia is no longer with us, because that fool couldn’t make up his mind as to whether shoulder mounted rocket launchers could be banned due to the Second Amendment.

And this last to a gun nut who is all about the “I need mah gunz to protect me from the ebil gubmit.”

You’re a fool. Your gun is not going to help you if the military comes, because the military carries more firepower than you’ll ever be able to amass. And you can only use one of those guns at a time. Even if you got a 100 round canister to clip on to your gun (as the shooter in Dayton used), the military has better than that. They can take you out in no time flat. I am TIRED, VERY TIRED, of these dreams of people who think they’re going to lead some sort of revolution against an oppressive government when the government’s firepower would leave you a smoking hole in the ground.

For the record, I don’t want to ban guns. I want them regulated, people licensed and required to have insurance, like we have to carry for our cars. I’m tired of this Second Amendment Lets Us Carry Around Armaments That Would Make The Founders Dive For Cover attitude.