
New From Seth Meyers: Markets Plunge as Trump Lies About Coronavirus Response [VIDEO]

Love-Child of Cassandra and Sisyphus3/09/2020 6:47:10 pm PDT

This afternoon went to the local supermarket… and the paper isle was even more bare than yesterday.

I guess people just by tp when they are afraid?

COVID-19 is not reported to be diarrhea causing. It’s a respiratory disease. If you’re going to horde anything that hand tissues and cold medicines. Maybe people use tp instead of kleenex… I do. But how much do you need? And cheap store-brand alternatives to the brand Kleenex are not more expensive than tp.

Anyway, strong warm wind from the south and humid. It’s going to rain here soon, quite a bit. First decent rain this year. Unfortunately northern California is not going to get much out this storm, so drought concerns remain.