
Stephen Colbert Does a Show in His Bathing Suit [VIDEO]

EPR-radar3/17/2020 10:38:44 am PDT

re: #12 BigPapa

It’s Normalcy Bias. The mainstream media did it with Trump, now we’re doing it with this Pandemic. There is a huge lesson to be learned from it. Yesterday I watched a pandemic/virologist be interviewed and the news anchor was practically arguing with him doing the ‘Sir, you can’t be serious’ with him and he was just a rock saying ‘Look, I’m giving you the math, it’s quite simple. The math doesn’t lie.’

Not making an excuse for it, but this is why many non-Trumpers assisted Trumpism and continue to do so.

“The extinction of the human race will come from its inability to EMOTIONALLY comprehend the exponential function.” E. Teller.

This is looking more true than ever these days.