
Mike Pence Is Blocking Top Health Experts From Appearing on CNN

Hecuba's daughter4/09/2020 10:54:41 am PDT

From downstairs:

re: #408 calochortus

I believe that translates to: “Conservative voters should be able to vote by mail to make it easier for them. Liberals should not. They might cheat.”

Have mentioned this before but my personal knowledge of cheating involved an elderly aunt with dementia who was bedridden. She received a VBM form to complete, and one of her sons, who was an ardent Republican and knew his mother was a Democrat, voted straight Republican for her. She was totally unaware of the ballot or what happened.

OTOH, in 2008, we received a form for our mother, who also suffered from dementia. She had been a Hillary fan, hated Obama, and hated Palin. We did our best to persuade her that voting for McCain meant voting for Palin, but she was determined and so we marked the ballot in accordance with her wishes, For the rest of the ballot, she wanted the Democratic candidate, though she was unfamiliar with the nominees in the other races.

So my concern about VBM is someone else intercepting the ballot and voting illegitimately on behalf of the voter. And we know Republicans will be happy to do that.