
John Oliver Turns His Pitiless Gaze on the US Jury System [VIDEO]

lawhawk8/17/2020 10:48:35 am PDT

The first night selection of speakers is sure to raise all kinds of questions about Trump’s failed covid19 response. Whitmer and Cuomo in particular are both well positioned to deal with this. Cuomo’s pressers were the ones Trump should have been giving since day 1 of the pandemic. Cuomo filled the vacuum left by Trump’s incompetence, dumbfuckery, and outright extortion of states dealing with a pandemic without federal backup.

Then we roll into the section were GOPers are lining up to show support of Biden/Harris. That’s all well and good - big tent. Will it sway votes? I don’t know. But from that end of the spectrum, we get Bernie and the progressives right behind that.

The Keynote tonight is by First Lady Michelle Obama.

It will be interesting to see how all this plays out without the audience participation we usually see at a convention - and it certainly means that ratfuckers and insurgent attempts to push for a specific candidate who failed to win in the primaries is all but impossible since they can’t shout down a speaker or push a particular issue without the consent of the organizers.