
Excellence: Antonio Sánchez & Bad Hombre, Tiny Desk Concert

EPR-radar3/02/2023 11:20:04 am PST

re: #18 Mattand

I know how this sounds, but does one more crime on the pile make any fucking difference with this guy?

The US legal system and, quite frankly, the Constitution itself, obviously can’t handle a single criminal who has the ability to constantly flaunt the law, be it through said criminal’s wealth or elected officials’ unwillingness to do their fucking jobs*.

One of my issues with Bob Cesca is that he has this mantra “Trump makes things worse for Trump” he says over and over. It’s a pithy turn of phrase, but it’s nonsense. Any other fucking western democracy at this point, at bare minimum, would have had someone like Trump indicted at this point.

Not good ol’ MURICA, though. The guy who tried to overthrow the country by murdering his VP and half of Congress, in addition to killing hundreds of thousands of Americans by his inaction on COVID, stand a great fucking chance of getting elected again.

So I’m really trying to not say “Who fucking cares?” at this news, but it’s really, really tough.

*Your periodic reminder that Merrick Garland is a fucking coward who is waiting for another complete GOP takeover of the federal government, so he can completely avoid doing his motherfucking job and prosecuting Trump.

The US legal system might be able to handle Trump if Trump really were just a “single criminal”.

But the reality is that Trump is leader of the criminal Republican party. That’s what appears to making Garland et al. so timid.