
The Bob Cesca Podcast: Where's Lorenzo?

Anymouse 🌹🏡😷6/18/2024 2:12:58 pm PDT

re: #15 KGxvi

Personally, I’ve no problem with ending the two party system. Expand the House, abolish the electoral college (go to something like what the French have with a general election and top two run off if nobody gets to 50%).

The two-party system is what happens in first-past-the-post elections, even with top two run-offs. People will divide themselves largely into two broad camps. If a party collapses under the American system, a new party simply arises. It would be tough ending parties anyway, since they are essentially clubs.

Here, state offices are non-partisan and party caucuses are prohibited in the Unicameral, yet we still have two parties that co-ordinate outside the legislature. An independent will rarely win, and the third-largest party in the state is the Legalize Marijuana Now Party. (The Libertarian Party has collapsed here after the Von Mises monarchist/racist caucus took over the national party, and the Green Party does not have enough supporters to even form a state party.)

We already have some states with run-offs, such as California (a Democrat or another Democrat), Louisiana (a Republican or another Republican).