
We Got Mail!

Jetpilot110112/01/2009 8:11:35 pm PST

I haven’t been able to frequent LGF as much as I used to due in large part to my job and I must admit that when I initially read your “Why I Parted Ways With The Right” post, I was a bit confused and had a few questions. So tonight, when I returned from my flight, I reread your ten points in order to better grasp your reasons for doing what you did and try and understand your decision. You must have read my mind because as I was reading your previous post, you posted this thread. All I can say is thank you for the clarification. I am right there with you and I appreciate you having the stones to distance yourself from both sets of extreme loons and carve out a niche where those of us who want honest rational debate can congregate. Keep up the good work and as your post states, there are many of us on both sides who support rationalism in a sea of insanity. Would you mind starting your own political party so I have somone to vote for?