
Eric Cantor Joins the Bigot Brigade

Kragar8/12/2010 9:58:23 am PDT

Iowa GOP urges revolution after judiciary performs its Constitutional duties

The federal judge who overturned a voter-approved ban on same-sex marriage in California because it violated the U.S. Constitution “seems to think he is a king, and further thinks he has the ‘authority’ to ignore the will of the people,” said Kim Lehman, one of three Iowans on the Republican National Committee. Therefore, she contends, there is only one response to this sort of “tyranny.”

“I believe the proper response is to do what the founders did in the Declaration of Independence, that after many attempts to reason with the King of England with no success, decided to withdraw from England and its force of laws without representation — which they defined as tyranny,” she said.

Lehman was responding to a questionnaire from Christian radio host Steve Deace, a long-time supporter of passing an amendment to the state’s constitution banning same-sex marriage who now opposes the effort in the wake of the California ruling. He said the ruling, and the eventual support of the U.S. Supreme Court render the amendment “obsolete,” so he asked many of Iowa’s Republican leaders to weigh in on how to proceed.

Lehman said judges who believe “their power is greater then the will of the people” will, “be faced with a revolution against a government who has abandoned the rule of law and its own people.”

“We must reject the outlaw acts of judges who act outside the power of the people,” she said. “Iowa is no different–we must be allowed to decide our laws and the courts have no jurisdiction over the will of the people nor does the federal government have the powers it is asserting against the states. We must educate the people of their God given liberties and the rule of law.”