
American Family Association Spokesman Fischer: Treat Muslims Like Neo-Nazis

3eff Jeff9/09/2010 10:58:28 am PDT

The Republican Party Leadership is racist. In my mind, it has gotten to the point where any decent human being should be unwilling to put an ‘R’ next to their name. I’m sorry, Dark Falcon, I cannot and will not vote for anyone who would knowingly run as a Republican.

There is no outcry from party members, leadership or anything. People like this asshole are invited as keynote speakers to events alongside Romney and Huckabee. The AFA doesn’t try to hide who they are. Romney and Huckabee must know. Gingrich has gotten in on the game. Michael Steele is behind Rush’s positions. It’s too much.

If you put an R next to your name, you’ve lost my vote. This BS needs to be called out, and the purveyors of it need to be ostracized (good job, Charles!). At this point, putting an R next to your name on a ballot is doing quite the opposite.