
The Siege of Planned Parenthood

Buck2/07/2011 12:51:00 pm PST

re: #15 palomino

Isn’t it also premature to assume that the videos are legit, given the history of the people involved with producing them. Live Action, the creator of these videos, hired an actor to play a role in hopes of discrediting PP. That doesn’t strike you as a bit fishy?

Have you watched the videos?

The videos are available in full unedited form. This person does not have the ability to CGI live action in order to make people say things they are not saying.

I go back to this. If the people came out of the office and just reported what they saw, everyone would be saying that they don’t believe them. That they can’t be taken at their word. Well they video taped everything that happened, and present it. You still want to doubt it. Let us face facts, for some people there is NOTHING that can be done to convince them.

When you watch that first video, do you really see signs of a hoax? Do you really see fakery? Or do you see what the management at Planned Parenthood saw, “repugnant.” behavior.

I see a person inappropriately coaching a person she thinks is a child abusing rapist on how to lie to obtain services. Is that actually illegal? Maybe not. However it is wrong. In my opinion and in the opinion of the management of her workplace. I don’t see a hoax, or a fake.