
BBC 'This World': Geert Wilders, Europe's Most Dangerous Man

BigPapa2/17/2011 12:06:41 am PST

re: #15 Bob Levin

I don’t need to write a ton or explain myself how I did not see what you saw. The doc was clearly about Wilders and like minded individuals who support him outside his country. It was interesting to find out his ties in Israel…. but again, like other countries, he has sympathetic allies there bound by the unity of xenophobia against Islam. Wilders may have symps within the Israeli government, which was one avenue in the doc. Not that ‘the Jews’ are behind Wilders. I just didn’t see that.

If I don’t see the inference that this was a hit piece against Israel or ‘the Jews,’ then I am closer to Wilders than far from him? Perhaps. Or, like Wilders and Pamz seeing an Islamist behind every political action, you may see an anti-Israelor antisemitic inference from this doc. I sure didn’t.