
Survey: Majority of Catholics Favor Birth Control in Health Care Coverage

wrenchwench2/07/2012 2:17:46 pm PST

RUSH: Feminism was established so as to allow unattractive women easier access to the mainstream. Yes. Exactly right, it’s borne out every day, it’s just whether or not you got the courage to admit it. Most people find it a very uncomfortable truth of life, which is what makes it a truthful truth.

CALLER: As are most of the truths today uncomfortable. But here’s how it ties into the discussion of what is happened in the Catholic Church, and I very highly respectfully disagree with your analysis that it will cost them votes. It will not cost them votes. You used the phrase a few minutes ago “idiot Catholics.” And Rush, nothing could be closer to the truth. And I’m coming from a standpoint of a lifelong baptized Catholic as a child, lived with it, loved it, I learned it, and devoured it right up until recently when I became an Amish man. So I understand what’s going on in the Catholic Church, and I was taught —

RUSH: Yeah, but, you know, it’s not just Catholics that are gonna be impacted by this. Muslims are gonna be impacted by this. Mormons are gonna be impacted. Catholics are not the only ones who have such proscriptions on contraception and abortion.

CALLER: Well, I speak for the Catholics only, Rush, because I’ve never been a Muslim, nor a Jew.

RUSH: Look, I know what you’re saying. Kind of like Hollywood liberals and liberal Jews, they’ll sell Israel out in order to maintain primacy of liberalism. So you think there are a lot of dumb Catholics who will vote against their own interests simply because they’re liberals first, right?

CALLER: Certainly. But it goes deeper than that. It goes to what you said recently about — you recently revealed the truth about teachers in the classrooms and that the truth is there are not any teachers anymore, with some notable exceptions. There are indoctrinators, and there are people in front of the classroom whose job it is to dumb down the students and indoctrinate them. And the Catholics who were affected by this ruling are in that group, and they have infiltrated the Catholic Church. And again I speak from my own personal experience at activities during the 2008 election campaign at St. Bernard’s Church in Vernon, Connecticut. And in that reception, as I talked about the evils of Obama to that assembled group, I heard the infiltrators, let’s call them people who are covered by Undeniable Truth of Life Number 24, the feminists, the militant feminists who had haircuts that looked a certain way, who stated that they were four square behind Obama regardless of the fact —

RUSH: Right. It’s the same as, there are there people, and I don’t know if you are one of them, but there are people who believe that the priesthood has been infiltrated, compromised. Not taken over, but infiltrated by people who actually intend to do it harm. There are people that believe the Catholic Church as a target has been taken over or certainly infiltrated by people who are not Catholic, who are false Catholics with the express purpose of weakening the church or ripping it apart. I know there are a lot of people that believe this. The practicing Catholics vote majority Republican. Among Catholics who attend mass every week, which is required, McCain won 55-43, for example.


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