
Jon Stewart on Tucson's Mexican-American Studies Ban

unproven innocence4/03/2012 11:04:45 am PDT

Rosa Clark —wasn’t she the great great granddaughter of that guy who accompanied Louis Armstrong, exploring the western territories, and founded the Pacifist Ocean?

Hope nobody finds my remarks offensive or annoying, and if they do, I hope they won’t rat me out for calling them a nobody.

Because Arizona Passes Bill Targeting “Annoying” and “Offensive” Online Speech

By: Qichen Zhang on 2 April 2012
Posted in Legislation, United States of America, United States/Canada

Arizona’s extension of a bill targeted toward “annoying” and “offensive” telephone solicitation may have censoring effects on the Internet. The Comic Book Legal Defense Fund has drawn attention to Arizona’s passage of House Bill 2549. The bill, originally intended to combat telephone harassment, will now apply to communications through “electronic means speech” and criminalizes any attempts to “annoy,” “offend,” “harass” or “terrify.”

Surely you can see how this could get ugly very fast. I’m really terrified by stupid laws that criminalize exercise of free speech. Oh shit. Gee golly willikers. By publishing this law, the great state of Arizona just broke it. Idiocracy isn’t just a movie.

/And don’t call me Shirley; I might feel threatened.