
Saturday Night Acoustic: Maneli Jamal - Movement I - Awakening

Obdicut (Now with 2% less brain)5/27/2012 4:39:50 am PDT

A guy who made (well, part-made, part-ripped-off-the-code-for) a really popular MUD called Medievia has gone batshit insane and is calling himself a Warrior Priest now.

This is not a joke even though it reads like one.

Some excerpts:

I may have time to be a park ranger someday, if not, so be it. For now I find that I am Mike, Vryce, God of Medievia, and I realized long ago what is wrong with the world. I know how to fix it. I wish someone else would do it. I am lazy. I would rather smoke a joint and watch a cool movie. I am no Jesus. I have no doubt that he was a better man than me in some ways and worse in others, just like you. I am not anything remarkable. I am a good man though and a smart man and I see a way to help, a way to be true to myself and my children.

It will take time. It will take 18 to 21 years is my prediction.

This year a Founder will have a child. That child will grow up with the Truth as guidance and with God as their soul, and the God Switch Turned ON their whole life. They will grow up and have a child of their own in 18 to 21 years or so.

Want more twists of the mixing of fiction and reality to come? This very email gets triggered by a founder for this email to be created and then this email will be shown word for word right in the Story - ‘When God told the other Gods his plan’. If you feel any of your insights in your responses to the two questions below would do the story well, let me know. Your words will become the Truth. I hope to include a few replies right on in there. People will read these very words I am typing now and know I told you that your words could be included a moment before reading me saying that they know right now, even as you know as much as they do at this moment in their past, yes I can drive you as mad as I am if you wish.