
Little Green Footballs

lostlakehiker1/20/2013 9:06:28 pm PST

Well, as an experiment, it certainly worked. Question: can anything negative about a democrat be posted here and escape virulent censure?

Answer? No. Not even if it’s just a pure factual post, with no editorializing whatever.

Factual observations about how affirmative action sometimes has counterproductive effects are also flamed.

The forum has become basically toxic. All the discussion is about how Republicans hate women, how Republican women hate women, etc. etc.

Democrats do not clean their own house. Look at how Barney Frank skated, twice. The second time for driving Fannie and Freddie into the ground by pushing them to write loans that could never be repaid. Look at how Jon Corzine skates after failing to segregate customer money from MF Global’s own money. Look back at how Hillary Clinton never was called to account for “Cattlegate”. Now, finally, long long overdue, Ray Nagin is in trouble. But Marion Barry can go to jail and then get reelected.


You are now running the country. You are, in particular, running Illinois and California. By every objective measure, these states are particularly badly run. Their finances are a mess. Coming soon to the whole nation.

I cannot protect myself from bearing a share of the mess you’ll make. My only consolation is that neither can you. We will have that much in common: our suffering. But at this point, that is all we have in common. Goodbye.