
Watch Live as Deluded Liberals Join Hands With Far Right Loons

ObserverArt10/26/2013 12:29:27 pm PDT

re: #52 Political Atheist

Liberal sadly has been turned into a perjorative by far right critics. And vice versa. It’s the modern bigotry. Hang a hated label on the other side, and end the discussion. Results? As above in the protest live feed.

The classic Ronny Reagan “L-word” all growed up.

By the way, with a handle like Political Atheist, aren’t you by default in the middle yourself?

The middle is a big area in today’s politics…inhabited by a whole hell of a lot of people that do care and also becomes the area for those that are not keen on either party. I think it is a direct result of what some of you are talking about, things like the bastardization of terms like liberal and conservative. Nobody realistic wants to be on those fringes…so hello middle.

And, never underestimate the amount of attention that is given by the media to the crazies because they make quick easy stories and take nothing to explain as far as why someone ends up in the middle. Good TV, not good for politics. Chuck Todd-like mush-headed “it’s not up to us” does nothing for the middle except put and keep more there.