
Overnight Space Photo: The Glory of Saturn's Rings

Birth Control Works3/07/2014 6:48:03 am PST

re: #187 chadu

Obdi, point made, but I think you’re being overly prescriptive on the use of the word “contact” which is probably what is ticking JAH off because it’s a typical rhetorical tool for minimization of her experience.


Also, vice-versa.

See: Self-Made Man, Norah Vincent.

Truly as women or men knowing they were just acting/dressing/looking like women.

I really have hard time thinking that man men would be able to learn much from that —other than that they don’t want to be known as drag queens.

but then again, it might be fun to watch the Whackos try to stop such an experiment. I’d bet they’d be afraid too many men might find they like it.