
An Insanely Catchy New Song by Cory Wong: "Light as Anything" (Feat. Robbie Wulfsohn)

Jay C7/14/2018 11:04:04 am PDT

re: #175 JordanRules

re: #178 Jay C

And now that I’m back at a regular keyboard, I’m going to vent a rant over an issue that has chapped my backside for two years: i.e. the obsessive Berniebots’ pissing-and-moaning over the DNC’s “bias” towards Hillary Clinton in the 2016 campaign, and the media’s constant focus on their puerile whining and sore-loser griping: both before, during, and even after the campaign/election.
I mean, seriously: do these people have NO F*CKING IDEA whatsoever about how political parties actually operate (rhetorical question)??? Hillary Rodham Clinton was - for most of her life - a Democratic activist - wife of a Democratic Governor and President; Democratic elected official in her own right: Democratic Presidential candidate in her own right; she lost, but went on to serve in a Democratic Administration, and run for the Presidency again: as a Democrat, and with the incumbents’ endorsement. All the while maintaining contacts with, and seeding influence in, the Party’s national organization, like any serious national-party candidate should.

Yet when Bernie Sanders - not even a member of the Party - suddenly pops up as a challenger (and the Dems for whatever reason, let him), the whole notion that a nationwide political party might want to back a lifelong activist/official/player over some obscure ideologue Senator suddenly becomes “evidence” of some evil Sinister Conspiracy: and the fact that said Senator loses fair primary elections “evidence” of Evil Vote-rigging or whatever.
And they kept on doing it - and the media kept flogging this non-issue - basically right up until Election Day. While, as we have seen, ignoring/dismissing/downplaying the far-more serious issue of foreign (i.e. Russian) interference in the election process.
