
Donald Trump Says Obama Committed the Biggest Crime in US History, but He Doesn't Feel Like Telling You What It Was

Dr Lizardo5/11/2020 11:42:50 pm PDT

Trump is getting increasingly nervous about his re-election prospects.

As Trump debates who should lead his campaign, he’s also struggling to settle on a 2020 strategy. Some advisers are lobbying Trump to embrace the reopening. “They’re going to gamble on the economy and hope it works,” a former West Wing official said. But another camp is pushing the view that Trump should run on a blame-China message. On top of everything, there is also fear in Trumpworld that Senate Republicans might finally break from him if the polls get bad enough. “The numbers are fucking terrible,” another former West Wing official said. “There’s massive anxiety in the GOP that he’s gonna take them all down with him.”

Personally, I love these warm-and-fuzzy feelgood stories every now and then. It’s a welcome change from all the doom and gloom lately.