
Crowded House: A New Performance of "Don't Dream It's Over" on the Late Show

Targetpractice8/24/2021 2:35:36 am PDT

re: #184 Anymouse 🌹🏡😷

I would at least try it if this became available here. That said, I would probably get shot or have my car rolled over living in the #2 beef state in the nation.

Very long thread from Bloomberg

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They want to find ready acceptance for lab-grown meat? Want to get to sell this shit by the ton to consumers every week? Market it with names like “Hippie Puncher” or “PETA Bane.” Put tags on it that say “PETA Disapproved” and “100% Hippie Free.” Then get your marketing campaign out there to tell the legions of knuckle-draggers that every time they cook up some Tyson 100% lab-grown chicken nuggets for the kids or fire up the grill on July 4th to roast some Oscar Mayer 100% Lab Beef hot dogs, PETA screams in impotent rage that nobody’s listening to them anymore. McD’s can readily declare that all their menu is now PETA-unfriendly and every Big Mac you buy is money being denied to hippies.

Within a year, any opposition to lab-grown meat will have disappeared and eating a burger using it will be seen as a patriotic act.