
Living Fossil Finds Love (Or Something Like It)

Optimizer1/30/2009 6:14:24 pm PST

re: #184 NY Nana

You are also in NY? She just does not make me feel that we are better off with her; I just can’t say why, but I get that feeling that she is not as she seems; no, not like Chris Matthews ;)…but at least the whole debacle is causing Paterson’s ratings to tank. I hope that Andrew Cuomo runs for Gov. or Senator…even though he is a Dem.

He seems to be a good guy. I don’t think that Rudy will run for either.

Yes, I’m at the end of the state you probably don’t even know exists. ;-)

I’m surprised at your concern. Having had Hillary & Chuck for a while, I was prepared to be happy with anybody who wasn’t another socialist traitor (remember Hillary calling our commanding officer in Iraq a liar, even before he said anything - just because they expected him to give hope that we were winning?).

I have not seen a complete list of her positions, but a decent list I saw didn’t show her as being for much of anything I have a big problem with, and vice-versa. She’s from a rural upstate congressional district, and that makes all the difference. Lizards might enjoy, for example, that she has 100% support from the NRA.