
Klinghoffer Speaks for Maimonides

Daria Emmons7/21/2009 9:48:14 pm PDT

re: #181 Sharmuta

At the Vatican conference earlier this year- ID was completely rejected, and not one proponent of ID was invited to participate.

That link you gave me says nothing about ID. It said the Vatican says evolution doesn’t prove God doesn’t exist. That’s a real stretch to say that position equals belief in ID.

You speak about intellectual honesty, but you yourself are not showing it.

I just posted above that I stand corrected. I guess it was not clear in what I wrote.

When I linked to Times Online, it was clear ID also was rejected.

Anyway, I don’t care what the pope says, as I am not Catholic, and he is but one man. I believe it is a very big stretch to say that, upon reading the bible, God did not create man uniquely, apart from animals. The whole story of Adam and Eve was meant to convey mankind’s uniqueness.