
Michele Bachmann Introduces Ron Paul: 'He's Awesome!'

medaura1858610/02/2009 3:52:33 pm PDT

Self-centered as it may sound and indeed be, I draw the line of demarcation between sane and insane on the libertarian front right through myself. I push to the breaking point the rhetoric of liberty both as it relates to lifestyle issues and economic/monetary concerns. If you think hosting the Olympic games is a net loss to the host nation, you’re crazy—no matter if you invoke tax payers to support your case. If you’re an anarchist and fantasize about secession, you are crazy. If to you, state rights are a proxy for abolishing the federal government, you are crazy. If you think Obama is imposing a totalitarian fascist/communist rule on the country, you are crazy. In short, if you’re any more “libertarian” than myself, you’re likely nuts. Come to think of it, I may be a bit nutty myself.

But enough Ron Paul pimping folks,.. enough extremist rhetoric.