
UK Jewish Group Urges Jews Not to Be Fooled by Fascists

Wozza Matter?12/01/2009 4:05:36 pm PST

re: #188 oslogin

Having been dragged to several UK Socialist Worker Party meetings in my miss spent youth - i can say there is a very strong Jewish presence there in fund raising and organising. There are other far left parties - but to say there is an anti-semitic group think across the far left is very wrong.

The re-emergent far far right “British Peoples Party”, “NF” (again) and “BNP” are very anti-semitic but they are pro-israel. As it gets the “Jews out” and also annoys the Muslims.

There is anti-semitism/racism/xenophobia among all political communities to one extent or another as there will always be individuals who are hateful, distrustful and scared. As long as there are prejudiced individuals who group together there will be parties and groups who prey on them and collect them.

The major parties - and the majority of minor ones in the UK are not purposefully seeking out the prejudiced - the ones that are though, are on the Right.