
Instapundit: 'Shoeshine Boy' Picture Not Racist

bj1/03/2010 12:40:42 pm PST

re: #183 Thanos

The “I can’t be racist because I’m Jewish and I think I’m not racist” postulate does not work.

You can empirically disprove it simply by googling “shrieking harpy” and clicking the first link to get to a hate site run by a Jew who doesn’t think she is racist.

I didn’t say I wasn’t racist “because” I am Jewish .. Judaism isn’t a race so there’s no race to the equation. LOL Damn, learn something, will you?

I said you will have to take my word that I am not racist since no one here knows me personally (well,except for one or two who aren’t present now) or can vouch for me (like I need it). The jumpers here have based their labeling of me and their libel of me on one comment in one thread about one particular subject and I didn’t use the words they/you wanted me to. I chose differently. Thank G-d for differences in human beings.