
Wired Journalists Say Chat Transcripts Contain 'Nothing Newsworthy'

190 5:56:50 pm PST

re: #180 CuriousLurker

IMO that would make Assange more like a fence.

… .

In legal terms, you are probably correct.

I’m not sure what Oz’s position is, because he hasn’t really just stated it. But it SEEMS to be that Oz thinks Assange is pure as the driven snow, and Oz has more than once taken issue with my statement here., where I conversationally make an objection to Assange and his antics:

I haven’t seen anyone suggest drawing and quartering anyone. How weird you took that from discussions here. Have you actually read anything?

Was Assange on a ballot anywhere in this country? Did anybody vote for him to be in the decision-making loop as to the security of information? What gives him the right to make those decisions FOR us?

Are there problems? Sure. Who elected Assange to be the fixer? I sure didn’t. By what right does he steal and publish classified information, and what gives him the right to usurp my rights?

As you see, I mostly talk about Assange and his self-defined role in our nation’s decision-making process as to the security of governmental information, and Assange’s self-appointed right to make decisions and be the “fixer”. I mention the theft of the documents in the same sentence as Assange’s name.