
Tim Blair Phones in Another Smear

Gus3/31/2011 11:08:59 am PDT

re: #186 marjoriemoon

That would be awesome.

I must admit, it’s not fun to be out on a walk and feel that little piece of invisible string across your face that you can’t possibly get off. I’ve had to do a lot of self-counseling to get over my arachnophobia. Basically that some spiders are quite pretty, their webs are pretty and they do eat ants and beetles (which I hate worse).

Cockroaches are another story. I’ll never get over my creep with them, although I can actually kill them now. That took years.

Roaches. Blech. If I see those I go into panic mode. Not because I’m scared of them. Fortunately the few I’ve seen have been the flying variety.