
Rick Perry Would Have Persecuted Galileo

groovimus9/09/2011 8:02:13 pm PDT

“Your stupid right wing anti-science talking point has already been debunked here, by people who actually understand …”

Wow beautiful, the brother is so full of fellow-feeling. I got up this morning and was wondering if I was going to say something really stupid and I got the definitive answer. Pretty amazing for just relating what I read in a couple of reports.

I would say that maybe you guys don’t get what the extreme pejorative stance frequently encountered on this thread says about the confidence in your positions.

Now it seems that the two links I copied got corrupted. I will say it again. The researchers on the project have been muzzled as in a GAG ORDER. I will quote from the piece:

“The chief of the world’s leading physics lab at CERN in Geneva has prohibited scientists from drawing conclusions from a major experiment”

This comes not from me dreaming up stupid right wing talking points, it comes from me quoting a news piece, right? Elementary no?

Here is the link you may as well look at it to see if I’m making up a stupid point:

So far as climate models needing revision - why is this not plain as day from the following? I’m just quoting from the piece:


Climate models will have to be revised, confirms CERN in supporting literature (pdf):

“[I]t is clear that the treatment of aerosol formation in climate models will need to be substantially revised, since all models assume that nucleation is caused by these vapours [sulphuric acid and ammonia] and water alone”

So obdicut #186 all this muzzling is not about stopping the publication, it is about a GAG ORDER on discussing the findings. Pretty embarrassing for open science wouldn’t you say? And I never discussed the causes of warming of any kind. All I discussed was the climate models eventually having to be revised to account for findings in this field. It says it right there in the report. I’m just relating to you guys what I read, no need to get all pejoratived up at me for this, right?