
Glenn Beck, Asking Questions: Did Obama Leak That Anti-Islam Video With an Off-the-Grid Secret Blackberry?

Love-Child of Cassandra and Sisyphus5/30/2013 7:30:48 pm PDT

Arizonans love Joe:

Recall effort against Arizona’s Sheriff Joe Arpaio fails

Despite a recent court ruling that the department run by Maricopa County’s top cop used racial profiling in his quest to crack down on illegal immigration, a recall effort against Sheriff Joe Arpaio has failed.

On Thursday, members of Respect Arizona and Citizens for a Better Arizona — who launched the recall effort against Arpaio — failed to gather the necessary 335,000 valid voter signatures by the 5 p.m. deadline. The aim was to force a recall election.


Maybe Respect Arizona just didn’t try hard enough? Or, maybe Arizonans really like their racist sheriffs?