
Radio Hosts Jim Garrow and Pete Santilli Openly Call for Military Coup Against Obama

Schadenboner1/07/2014 2:12:50 pm PST

re: #190 First As Tragedy, Then As Farce

My dog is the biggest pain in the ass when it comes to cold weather. For some reason his usual dump-taking spot just won’t do at all, and he has to travel across miles of tundra like Nanook of the North, invariably headlong into the 400MPH wind, and then spend a small eternity sniffing every little morsel that he usually wouldn’t even notice. If I happen to have a cold or something (as I have had for the past week and a half now) he takes even longer. Cold and freezing winds don’t seem to bother him at all.

Rain is a different story, however. If it’s raining when it’s time to Go Outside, he acts like I’m dragging him out the door for a savage beating.

Genetic? Is it a sled dog or something?