
The Creeping Expansion of Corporate Civil Rights

BusyMonster2/19/2014 6:28:08 am PST

re: #9 freetoken

This part:

… is an artifice of our worldview and how we have enshrined certain ideas into our institutions.

Some humans in the past did indeed fell that they were in a relationship with the Earth, different things in or on the Earth, as well as mysterious beings above the clouds (or below the earth.)

We created our legal system yet we seem to like to act as if we’re powerless to change it. Why not make a fundamental change to our Constitution, where we clearly lay out that “rights” can only apply to organisms like humans?

I think the key to understanding this is to realize that a corporation is a limited liability concern meant to shield the operating officers from liability if the corporation screws up and hurts someone. I describe it more like a Godzilla suit made out of 5,000 lawyers. The “corporation” has that suit in storage, but only the CEO and a few underlings of his are privileged enough to wear it. If YOU as the employee of that corporation break the law over your knee like a cheap ruler, YOU will get the full measure of punishment that is coming to you. If the CEO does it, he gets to wear the Godzilla suit.

So, it is not “corporations” that are being protected. As usual it’s fucking rich people. The corporation is just an extension of the CEO or owner’s sense of entitlement and invulnerability, and all this legal wrangling and hay-making is to avoid the elephant in the room: Corporate Personhood is Royalty Revisited. It is the full throated whine of human arrogance and unwillingness to submit to accountability, it’s just wearing a three-piece suit instead of a foofy, stupid-looking hat or robe.