
Putin Signs Law to Restrict and Monitor Bloggers, Thanks Edward Snowden for Inspiring It

Killgore Trout5/07/2014 4:21:59 pm PDT

Boko Haram attacks Nigerian village used by military in search for abducted girls

The assault on the village came after military troops deployed to the area were called to the border area near Chad, where reports — later determined to be false — surfaced that the schoolgirls had been found with Boko Haram militants, witnesses and local officials said

Witnesses described a well-coordinated attack that began shortly after 1:30 p.m. local time Monday at a busy outdoor market in Gamboru Ngala.

Wearing military uniforms, the militants arrived with three armored personnel carriers, they said.

They shouted “Allahu Akbar” — “God is great” — and opened up on the market, firing rocket-propelled grenades and tossing improvised explosive devices, witnesses said