
Friday Evening Oddity: Floating Metal Key

Rev_Arthur_Icantbreatheing5/17/2014 7:41:29 am PDT

re: #188 Justanotherhuman
She also once taped the mouths of first graders shut, causing injuries to some, while she was in Teach For America:

In a speech at the Columbia Heights Education Campus in Washington DC, Rhee said that she once put small pieces of masking tape on the children’s mouths so they would be quiet on the way to the lunchroom and that, after removing the tape, skin came off their lips, they were bleeding and she had “thirty-five kids who were crying”.[7][8] Rhee told Washingtonian magazine that she was demoralized by her first year of teaching, but said to herself, “I’m not going to let eight-year-old kids run me out of town”

The very fact that she sort of humblebragged about that episode makes her unfit for any kind of career in education.