
Tonight in Ferguson, Missouri

Vicious Babushka8/12/2014 5:01:26 am PDT


My son drove in from Toronto yesterday afternoon with his younger kids (all the older ones are in camp). He had to wait for over an hour at the Sarnia/Port Huron border crossing, who knows why. Then he came over and we all enjoyed dinner.

Then he said he had to leave because he needed to get to Chicago where his oldest daughter is a counselor at some day camp. So they left.

They got turned back when two major freeways were flooded out, I begged them to spend the night here but they pressed on, went all the way to Lansing before they could get on a road that would take them to the I-94. So I hope they are in Chicago now.

Anyway I thought it would be all cleared up this morning, but the freeway was still shut down. I could have turned around and worked from home, but I stayed on the surface roads, I have meetings today.

I’ll bet the meetings get cancelled because everyone else stayed home.