
House Intel Panel Benghazi Report: No There There

Blind Frog Belly White11/22/2014 9:21:13 am PST

re: #190 BeachDem

You two were both faster than I was, so I defer to your comments and agree that Obama saw what a firestorm his “if I had a son, he’d look like Trayvon” created (hell, I still see wingers ranting about it) and decided the less said, the better.

It’s like how the Right bitches that Obama doesn’t “Unite America on race”. They want him to tell them they’re not racist, to say that racism is dead in America, and that black folks should just shut up about it, because it’s all in their heads.

A lot of people thought the election of the first black President would make it possible to finally have the adult conversation about race and racism in America, but I think most white folks hoped it had just obviated the need to even have the conversation.