
Overnight Tiny Desk Jam: Lake Street Dive

allegro4/30/2016 12:05:50 pm PDT

re: #184 ObserverArt

I’m far from a historian especially about wars. I wonder how much all of this figures into wars all through out time?

Time may pass…but overall humans often don’t advanced their basic thinking. And to my thinking war is near the top of the list of stuff we never seem to learn.

When I was a little kid, WWII effects still loomed pretty large and was often a topic of conversation between my parents and other adults. I remember when they explained to me what war was when I was maybe 4 or 5 years old, basically people killing each other and blowing shit up. My response: that’s stupid. Made no sense to me at all. They said, yeah it is stupid but you’ll understand when you grow up.

I may be growed up but I still think it’s stupid and makes no sense.