
Video, March 2011: Donald Trump Exploits the Birther Conspiracy Theory on Fox News

Yeah Sure WhatEVs7/02/2016 6:35:55 am PDT

re: #167 Alyosha

From that article, and why Rupert Murdoch is such a danger:

This evening a sign was stuck to Mr Windsor’s campaign office door which read, “No access to News Limited Media”.

When asked by the ABC’s Leigh Sales why he would post such a sign on his door, he replied he did not want News Corp there and that his team “pay the rent” for the building.

Earlier this week The Australian newspaper published an article alleging that Mr Windsor had bullied and whipped school mates at an agricultural high school in north-west New South Wales.

Mr Windsor said at the time he would not respond to the “gutter journalism in The Australian” and he has referred the article to his legal advisers.

I know nothing about this losing politician but I know I don’t want some newspaper hack, who after that bit in England shouldn’t be allowed to own any media outlets, deciding who should and should not be elected. Especially Murdoch.