
The Tallest Man on Earth: "Then I Won't Sing No More" | When the Bird Sees the Solid Ground

Dangerman9/08/2020 10:17:50 am PDT

re: #154 NetworkKed

So… there’s a lot of invective around here about believing that Trump will do anything to stay in power. And… I don’t agree.

Time after time after time, Trump has had chances to take provocative, violent military action on the world stage, and while he talks up the violence, he’s never given the go order.

Some of his actions this summer on the domestic scene have been heavy-handed, but when faced with real resistance he’s pulled back, turned turtle, and pointed at the protestors as the real bad guys.

The Trump admin has staked out position after position that’s against all law and reason, and when they get pushback well they’ll usually back down publically, and sometimes just continue to do the offensive thing behind the scenes.

And this is not new! Look at Trump behavior in all aspects of business and law over the last thirty years, and he’ll try to get away with everything, sometimes get called on it, and on the rare occasion settle it in court if someone really presses and has money to spend.

At no time is he willing to actually directly lead - someone always has to be the one signing off on the thing, so they can be sacrificed when the law comes. He tried to do that to the military this summer, and they told him no. Barr’s little cadre of bully-boys took up the cause in their place, but they had no numbers, no staying power, and while they did a lot of intimidation I’m not hearing of anyone who has actually been seriously charged or disappeared.

The danger is he inspires the deplorables to organize and mess up the election, not that he’s going to do anything competent about it himself. Really, what I see right now looks more like a team that knows it’s going to lose acting out to try to save self-respect. The Trump campaign is a bad junior-high production - “my opponent is so evil he’s going to sacrifice your parents to the devil in order to blow up the planet, vote me and we go to Disney World” sort of clownish nonsense, and it’s getting no traction.

Don’t worry. Watch and WORK and keep your powder dry. But don’t worry.

trump, himself, is a coward. he’s proven that time and again.