
A Seriously Creepy Short Horror Film by Dylan Clark: "Hatched"

Shiplord Kirel: From behind wingnut lines5/19/2021 8:20:16 am PDT

I talked to a pop history consumer last year who assumed that Robert Goddard (inventor of the liquid fueled rocket, gimbaled thrust etc.) was a German who came to the United States under Operation Paperclip. I said, no, he was an American. The consumer responded, oh sure, they were all naturalized later but they came with the Nazis.

In fact, Goddard was born in Worcester, Massachusetts in 1882, did his research in the United States, and died before the end of World War II.

There is a massive subculture in this country that desperately needs to believe in German, especially Nazi era, technical superiority. Things the Germans did not invent:
Submarine snorkel
Millimeter wave radar (and the cavity magnetron that made it, and large area television broadcasting, possible.)
Proximity fused artillery shell. This could potentially have been decisive in the air war.
And of course, the biggie, the atomic bomb.

Germanophiles will tie themselves in knots trying to make denials and excuses. One common claim is that their jet engines would last only 15-20 hours because “the u-boat program had priority for advanced alloys,” for example. This does not make sense at any level. The amounts required to make any tactically useful difference in submarine performance, which is of dubious tactical value in the first place, would have been massive. They would not trade air superiority for that, especially not at the end of the war.
When they have to admit the facts, they denigrate their significance. The snorkel is an obvious invention, so German superiority was not required for it. If so, why didn’t they invent it, rather than (literally) steal it from the Dutch, who were the real inventors.
Similarly, they will claim that the Germans were working on a much better proximity shell, one using electrostatic principles, they just didn’t have it ready in time. Bullshit. If the radio proximity fuse was so simple as to be skipped, why did they not produce it as a time when allied bombers would pound the Reich to a desert? To this day, nobody has has bothered to produce a successful electrostatic shell.