
Palestinians Murdering and Maiming Palestinians

eon2/03/2009 2:49:56 pm PST

re: #133 winston06

It’s like Afghanistan on the southern US border

My best bud, the E-5, told me the other day that Mexico is well on its way to being a failed state. I asked, “Isn’t that a wargame scenario that the Pentagon played out, similar to one they did on Pakistan?”

His response was, “It’s been upgraded from ‘theoretical’ to ‘likely’. It’s no longer just an exercise scenario. “

His source was Fox News, BTW.

Apparently, the central government’s campaign against the drug cartels isn’t going well, largely due to corruption in law enforcement and the military, fueled by narcotraficante’ money. President Fox can no longer be sure that orders to units in such areas as Juarez will be followed. And officials who do not fall in line with the drug lords’ wishes are getting the “plombo e’ plata” treatment. In short, Mexico is starting to look a lot like Colombia did back in the Eighties.

Anybody know where Crockett and Tubbs are these days?

