
Times Editorial: The Incredible Shrinking Elephant

big steve5/04/2009 10:43:58 am PDT

re: #137 Charles

Another issue that’s starting to show up in GOP platforms — support for parents who want to “opt out” of having their children vaccinated.

This is dead on. For someone, of which I consider myself one, who is “moderate/right” to support a candidate or a party means mentally setting of a check box with a column for what you like, a column with what you don’t like but could live with, and a “eeww” column for things that you just can’t live with.

All candidates I am drawn to have check boxes in the first two. However, for moderates the Republicans are getting way too many checks in the third category. This means for me to vote for someone I have to give up too much.

Charles has pointed this out on creationism……to most moderate to moderate/right voters, the increasing Republican stance as pro ID/Creationism just paints the party as anti-science and just plain stupid. The anti-Vax, the paroxisms over gay marriage, and other things are the same.

The key for the Republican party is to eliminate the “eeww” category for moderates and then make the far right decide if being moderate on these items is a deal breaker for them.