
Pamela Geller Shrieks on Joy Behar

simoom2/09/2010 11:48:12 am PST

Here’s (aspiring GOP Presidential nominee) Mike Huckabee with Mat Staver of Liberty Counsel drawing attention to how Texas textbook decisions have national importance, attempting to scare their Fox audience with the idea of a liberal assault on those textbooks (by some members of the Texas Board of Education) and then encouraging that audience to speak up and pressure the Board. Youtube Video

Staver: … and really removing our religious heritage and history, and the patriotic history. No longer will you have American citizen, you will in fact have global citizen. And, in fact free enterprise and those kinds of things, those are no good any more. And America’s looked at not as some country that gave liberty and freedom to others around the world, but as a global villain. And so that’s kind of how this textbook proposal is being proposed from a committee, and so this group of 15 people will be voting on it and Cynthia Dunbar actually is one of those 15 and she’s the real champion. She’s actually a professor at Liberty University School of Law and so she’s a strong voice for just strong, common sense …

One of Charles’ previous posts that touched on Cynthia Dunbar: Texas Creationism Follies, the Sequel

Huckabee: We are a nation, where people have historically understood, that the American exceptionalism is large measure due to the providence of God.

(h/t rightwingwatch)